Intel Image Processing Library Quick Reference
This quick reference lists the Image Processing Library functions by
their logical groupings. It presents the entire API.
Error-Handling Functions
Error performs basic error handling:
void iplError(IPLStatus status, const char* func, const char* context);
ErrorStr translates an error status code into a textual description:
const char* iplErrorStr(IPLStatus status);
GetErrMode returns the error processing mode
int iplGetErrMode();
GetErrStatus returns the error status code
IPLStatus iplGetErrStatus(); /* typedef int IPLStatus */
RedirectError assigns a new error-handling function
IPLErrCallBack iplRedirectError(IPLStatus status);
SetErrMode sets the error processing mode
void iplSetErrMode(int errMode);
SetErrStatus sets the error status
void iplSetErrStatus(IPLStatus status);
Image Creation Functions (see also Memory Allocation Functions)
AllocateImage allocates memory for image data using the specified header
void iplAllocateImage(IplImage* image, int fillValue);
DeallocateImage frees the image data memory pointed to in the image header
void iplDeallocateImage(IplImage* image);
Deallocate frees the memory for image header or data or ROI or all three
void iplDeallocate(IplImage* image, int flag);
CreateImageHeader creates an IPL image header according to the specified attributes
IplImage* iplCreateImageHeader(int nChannels, int alphaChannel, int depth, char* colorModel, char*
channelSeq, int dataOrder, int origin, int align, int height, int width, IplROI* roi, void* imageId, IplTileInfo* tileInfo);
CreateROI allocates and sets the region of interest (ROI) structure
IplROI* iplCreateROI(int coi, int xOffset, int yOffset, int height, int width);
CreateTileInfo creates the IplTileInfo structure
IplTileInfo* iplCreateTileInfo(IplCallBack callBack, void* id, int width, int height);
DeleteTileInfo deletes the IplTileInfo structure
void iplDeleteTileInfo(IplTileInfo* tileInfo);
SetTileInfo sets the IplTileInfo structure fields
void iplSetTileInfo(IplTileInfo* tileInfo, IplCallBack callBack, int width, int height);
SetROI sets the region of interest (ROI) structure
void iplSetROI(IplROI* roi, int coi, int xOffset, int yOffset, int height, int width);
SetBorderMode sets the mode for handling the border pixels
void iplSetBorderMode(IplImage * src, int mode, int border, int constVal);
Windows* DIB Conversion Functions (see also Conversion and Data Exchange Functions)
ConvertFromDIB converts a Windows* DIB image to an IPL image with specified attributes
void iplConvertFromDIB(BITMAPINFOHEADER* dib, IplImage* image);
ConvertToDIB converts an IPL image to a Windows DIB image with specified attributes
void iplConvertToDIB(iplImage* image, BITMAPINFOHEADER* dib, int dither, int paletteConversion);
TranslateDIB translates a Windows DIB image into an IPL image
iplImage* iplTranslateDIB(BITMAPINFOHEADER* dib, BOOL cloneData);
Memory Allocation Functions (see also Image Creation Functions)
Free frees memory allocated by a function of the Malloc group
void iplfree(void * ptr);
Malloc allocates an 8-byte aligned memory block
void* iplMalloc(int size); /* size in bytes */
dMalloc allocates an 8-byte aligned memory block for double floating-point elements
short* ipldMalloc(int size); /* size in double FP elements */
iMalloc allocates an 8-byte aligned memory block for 32-bit double words
short* ipliMalloc(int size); /* size in double words */
sMalloc allocates an 8-byte aligned memory block for floating-point elements
float* iplsMalloc(int size); /* size in float elements */
wMalloc allocates an 8-byte aligned memory block for 16-bit words
short* iplwMalloc(int size); /* size in words */
Conversion and Data Exchange Functions (see also Windows* DIB Conversion Functions)
ApplyColorTwist converts an image from one color model to another by using a color twist matrix
void iplApplyColorTwist(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, IplColorTwist* cTwist, int offset,
IplCoord* map);
BitonalToGray converts a bitonal image to a gray-scale one
void iplBitonalToGray(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, int ZeroScale, int OneScale,
IplCoord* map);
ColorToGray converts a color image to a gray-scale one
void iplColorToGray(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, IplCoord* map);
Convert converts image data from one IPL image to another according to the image headers
void iplConvert(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, int convertMode, IplCoord* map);
Copy copies data from one IPL image to another
void iplCopy(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, IplCoord* map);
CreateColorTwist creates a color twist matrix for image conversion between color models
IplColorTwist* iplCreateColorTwist(int data[16], int scalingValue);
DeleteColorTwist frees memory used for a color twist matrix
void iplDeleteColorTwist(IplColorTwist* cTwist);
Exchange exchanges image data between two IPL images
void iplExchange(IplImage* ImageA, IplImage* ImageB, IplCoord* map);
GrayToColor converts a gray-scale image to a color one
void iplGrayToColor (IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, float FractR, float FractG, float FractB,
IplCoord* map);
HLS2RGB converts an image from the HLS color model to the RGB color model
void iplHLS2RGB(IplImage* hlsImage, IplImage* rgbImage, IplCoord* map);
HSV2RGB converts an image from the HSV color model to the RGB color model
void iplHSV2RGB(IplImage* hsvImage, IplImage* rgbImage, IplCoord* map);
ReduceBits reduces the number of bits per channel in the image
void iplReduceBits(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, int ditherType, int jitterType, int levels,
IplCoord* map);
RGB2HLS converts an image from the RGB color model to the HLS color model
void iplRGB2HLS(IplImage* rgbImage, IplImage* hlsImage, IplCoord* map);
RGB2HSV converts an image from the RGB color model to the HSV color model
void iplRGB2HSV(IplImage* rgbImage, IplImage* hsvImage, IplCoord* map);
Set sets a value for an IPL images pixel data
void iplSet(IplImage* image, int fillValue, IplCoord* map);
SetColorTwist sets a color twist matrix for image conversion between color models
void iplSetColorTwist(IplColorTwist* cTwist, int data[16], int scalingValue, IplCoord* map);
Logical Functions
And computes a bitwise AND of pixel values of two IPL images
void iplAdd(IplImage* srcImageA, IplImage* srcImageB, IplImage* dstImage, IplCoord* map);
AndS computes a bitwise AND of each pixels value and a constant
void iplAndS(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, unsigned int value, IplCoord* map);
LShiftS shifts pixel values bits to the left
void iplLShiftS(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, unsigned int nShift, IplCoord* map);
Not computes a bitwise NOT of pixel values
void iplNot(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, IplCoord* map);
Or computes a bitwise OR of pixel values of two IPL images
void iplOr(IplImage* srcImageA, IplImage* srcImageB, IplImage* dstImage, IplCoord* map);
OrS computes a bitwise OR of each pixels value and a constant
void iplOrS(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, unsigned int value, IplCoord* map);
RShiftS divides pixel values by a constant power of 2 by shifting bits to the right
void iplRShiftS(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, unsigned int nShift, IplCoord* map);
Xor computes a bitwise XOR of pixel values of two IPL images
void iplXor(IplImage* srcImageA, IplImage* srcImageB, IplImage* dstImage, IplCoord* map);
XorS computes a bitwise XOR of each pixels value and a constant
void iplXorS(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, unsigned int value, IplCoord* map);
Arithmetic Functions
Add adds pixel values of two IPL images
void iplAdd(IplImage* srcImageA, IplImage* srcImageB, IplImage* dstImage, IplCoord* map);
AddS adds a constant to pixel values of the source image
void iplAddS(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, int value, IplCoord* map);
Multiply multiplies pixel values of two IPL images
void iplMultiply(IplImage* srcImageA, IplImage* srcImageB, IplImage* dstImage, IplCoord* map);
MultiplyS multiplies pixel values of the source image by a constant
void iplMultiplyS(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* srcImageB, unsigned int value, IplCoord* map);
MultiplyScale multiplies pixel values of two IPL images and scales the products
void iplMultiplyScale(IplImage* srcImageA, IplImage* srcImageB, IplImage* dstImage, IplCoord* map);
MultiplySScale multiplies pixel values of the source image by a constant and scales the products
void iplMultiplySScale(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, int value, IplCoord* map);
Square squares the pixel values of the source image
void iplSquare(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, IplCoord* map);
Subtract subtracts pixel values of two IPL images
void iplSubtract(IplImage* srcImageA, IplImage* srcImageB, IplImage* dstImage, BOOL flip, IplCoord*
SubtractS subtracts a constant from pixel values, or pixel values from a constant
void iplSubtractS(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, int value, BOOL flip, IplCoord* map);
Alpha-Blending Functions
AlphaComposite composites two images using alpha (opacity) values
void iplAlphaComposite(IplImage* srcImageA, IplImage* srcImageB, IplImage* dstImage,
int compositeType, IplImage* alphaImageA, IplImage* alphaImageB, IplImage* alphaImageDst, BOOL
premulAlpha, BOOL divideMode, IplCoord* map);
AlphaCompositeC composites two images using a constant alpha (opacity) value
void iplAlphaCompositeC(IplImage* srcImageA, IplImage* srcImageB, IplImage* dstImage,
int compositeType, int aA, int aB, BOOL premulAlpha, BOOL divideMode, IplCoord* map);
PreMultiplyAlpha pre-multiplies pixel values of an IPL image by alpha (opacity) value(s)
void iplPreMultiplyAlpha (IplImage* image, int alphaValue);
Filtering Functions
Blur applies a simple neighborhood averaging filter to blur the image
void iplBlur(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, int nRows, int nCols, int anchorX, int anchorY,
IplCoord* map);
Convolve2D convolves an IPL image with one or more convolution kernels
void iplConvolve2D(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, IplConvKernel** kernel, int nKernels, int
combineMethod, IplCoord* map);
ConvolveSep2D convolves an IPL image with a separable convolution kernels
void iplConvolveSep2D(IplImgreg* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, IplConvKernel* xKernel,
IplConvKernel* yKernel, IplCoord* map);
CreateConvKernel creates a convolution kernel
IplConvKernel* iplCreateConvKernel(int nRows, int nCols, int anchorX, int anchorY, char* values, int
DeleteConvKernel deletes the convolution kernel
void iplDeleteConvKernel(IplConvKernel* kernel);
GetConvKernel reads the attributes of the convolution kernel
void iplGetConvKernel(IplConvKernel* kernel, int* nRows, int* nCols, int* anchorX, int* anchorY, char**
values, int* nShiftR);
MaxFilter applies a maximum filter to an IPL image
void iplMaxFilter(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, int nRows, int nCols, int anchorX, int anchorY,
IplCoord* map);
MedianFilter applies a median filter to an IPL image
void iplMedianFilter(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, int nRows, int nCols, int anchorX, int
anchorY, IplCoord* map);
MinFilter applies a minimum filter to an IPL image
void iplMinFilter(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, int nRows, int nCols, int anchorX, int anchorY,
IplCoord* map);
Fast Fourier and Discrete Cosine Transform Functions
CcsFft2D computes the forward or inverse 2D complex fast Fourier transform of an image
void iplCcsFft2D(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, int flags, IplCoord* map);
DCT2D computes the forward or inverse 2D discrete cosine transform of an image
void iplDCT2D(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, int flags, IplCoord* map);
RealFft2D computes the forward or inverse 2D real fast Fourier transform of an image
void iplRealFft2D(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, int flags, IplCoord* map);
Morphological Operations
Close performs a number of dilations followed by the same number of erosions of an image
void iplClose(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, int nIterations, IplCoord* map);
Dilate sets each output pixel to the maximum of the corresponding input pixel and its 8 neighbors
void iplDilate(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, int nIterations, IplCoord* map);
Erode sets each output pixel to the minimum of the corresponding input pixel and its 8 neighbors
void iplErode(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, int nIterations, IplCoord* map);
Open performs a number of erosions followed by the same number of dilations of an image
void iplOpen(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, int nIterations, IplCoord* map);
Histogram and Thresholding Functions
ComputeHisto computes the image intentsity histogram
void iplComputeHisto(IplImage* srcImage, IplLUT** lut, IplCoord* map);
ContrastStretch stretches the constrast of an image using an intensity transformation
void iplContrastStretch(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, IplLUT** lut, IplCoord* map);
HistoEqualize equalizes the image intensity histogram
void iplHistoEqualize(IplImage* srcImage, IPLImage* dstImage, IplLUT** lut, IplCoord* map);
Threshold performs a simple thresholding of an image
void iplThreshold(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, int threshold, IplCoord* map);
Geometric Transformation Functions
Decimate shrinks (decimates) the image
void iplDecimate(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, int xDst, int xSrc, int yDst,
int ySrc, int interpolate, IplCoord* map);
Mirror finds a mirror image
void iplMirror(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, int flipAxis, IplCoord* map);
Rotate rotates the image
void iplRotate(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, int angle, int centerX,
int centerY, int interpolate, IplCoord* map);
Zoom magnifies (zooms) the image
void iplZoom(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, int xDst, int xSrc, int yDst,
int ySrc, int interpolate, IplCoord* map);